Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Poor Food Choices

Thanks to my sister I got a short reprieve yesterday from writing for my blog, and the day before wasn't exactly taxing, but without another guest post, I guess I'll have to go ahead and write a real entry tonight.

I have seven days left of my initial challenge.  I have avoided counting down to when I am 'done' because I really do not intend to be done at the end of April.  The other day I had someone ask my what I was going to do on day 31, and I replied, "yoga."

I meant to write on Easter that I had some junk candy.  It was that extra sugary cheap stuff that has become synonymous with the holiday, which I really had no intention of eating, but old habits dye hard.  The consequences were nearly immediate, and dramatic, as, after nearly three weeks of only the lightest twinges of cramps, the sugar (twice) locked up several major muscles to painful effect.

After I first had some candy, I was driving to afternoon yoga and my abs cramped up something fierce while I was driving (and changing into my yoga clothes, which I don't recommend doing while you drive, especially if you're going to cramp up).  I had to laugh through it, as there wasn't much else I could really do while I was driving.

Later that night after dinner my mom handed me a couple pieces of Easter candy.  Not having learned my lesson the first time (or rather, not having made the association in my head between sugary treats and the surprising pain of muscle cramps), it wasn't long before both of my thighs were locking up and I was writhing on the ground next to the couch trying to stand so that I could walk it off.

Lesson learned.  Right?


After only a couple of cheat meals from eating paleo this month, which I mention earlier in my blog, I had been relatively good the rest of the month up until Monday night when I got home from yoga to the suggestion that we go out for (really good) tacos.  Two taquitos, a hard taco, a soft fajita taco, and a good share of nachos, all laden with delicious melty cheese and sour cream later, I had pretty much sealed my fate for how hellish my next morning's yoga session was going to be.

It was like I could feel all the inflammation in my body that the corn, dairy, and bad fats had caused, and it made the next morning's yoga session tantamount to torture.  All I had to say on Facebook after class was: "Another lesson in food choices."

If we are being honest, and I have strived for that more than anything in this blog, then I have to say it is a lesson I will likely repeat again, but at least I can say that I am now making many more good choices about how I treat my body than poor ones.  Winning the war despite a few lost battles.

After eating right that morning and afternoon, I was able to go back for afternoon yoga turned 180 degrees in the opposite direction, feeling good, though the fact that my sister had just arrived to town with two of my nieces may have had something to do with my energy going into that class as well.

The nieces are staying for several days while my pregnant sister enjoys some time with her husband down in Las Vegas before the baby comes due.  I'm loving having them around.  They are so bright and sweet.  My parents are taking them to the coast this weekend, which is going to be awesome fun.  I love going to the coast in Oregon.

In order to join them at the coast on Saturday, I am going to be attempting my first back to back double Saturday morning, during the second of which Ahmad (the teacher for both classes) will likely witness my complete breakdown.

Seriously though, Saturday is going to be a challenge in and of itself.  There has only been one class in these last three weeks where I have come out feeling like I could go back in for another round, and it wasn't recently.  So... wish me luck!


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